16 January 2015

[English Friday] My Wildest Dreams

Already Friday, it 's time to write a note with English .

When talking about dreams , I could mention dozens of desire to be achieved in the future . But , if I was the only mention of it will be achieved ? do not! All it would require a hard work and never give up.

So far , the dream that I have achieved more that I just say with " slengekan " aka playfulness .

As an example :

I 've nyeletuk : " Bi  (call to my husband), seems good when we live in wooden houses spacious yard and garden so that I could gardening . " I say it's about three or four years ago.

And now, I actually live in a wooden house with a spacious yard . I did not realize is the process towards this . Amazed once when remembering it all . And many other examples as well .

Meanwhile the real dream yet to be realized with the full fight and even as still much to be achieved .

Oh well... So my wildest dreams are met , a photo together and eat at the same table with Ji Chang Wook (main actor in the Korean drama Healer).

~ Then washed Cappuccino Cincau~
sumber : AsianWiki


  1. sounds familiar for me remind me Mak Erry Bibitititelity....welcome to the club Mam...K-drama fever is rock!

    1. yuhuuu.. Korean drama makes us imagining a high level, yes. :D


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